Wednesday 22 April 2015

The Problem Is That Ego Is Not Wisdom

Slavery may have ended, however the chains of religions still hold our minds. We were robbed of our names, history, and culture and did not have a promised land to go to.
The holy books have been the weapon of choice as when you systematically remove over generations a person from their innate understandings; you can rewrite their spiritual inclinations to favor your agenda.
When you own the chains to their mind and their path to the natural curiosity to understand them, you can design their reactions to defend you at their own expense.
As these concepts of God have only spoken when the holy books were created, people no longer have a direct relationship with God, they only have a relationship with the books. They mentally devour the books as these are the only words their god is ever going to say.
This is made worst by the fact that stories mentioned in the books happened over a thousand years ago and was not written about our lives today. When the slaves found the Promised Land did they live happily ever after?
The truth is in living color, we have been created in belief. We are born into a paradigm where all the answers have been educated to us; however they just forgot to teach us how they arrived at them.
Hidden in plain view, we cannot see, feel, smell or touch this concept of God, even though it is everywhere. We are to follow or burn in hell, we must give our lives to get to heaven, there does not seem to be much free will to discover your own path.
To follow our Ancestors is deemed Satanic and a Black person; pre-slavery traditions are products of the Devil. When you appreciate that there are no positively regarded black religions, you have to ask what holy wars had we fought in to get such a bad name.
As we say a black person is not allowed to have their own. As regards to concepts of God, Amen Ra has been one of the concepts that have lasted over the 6000 modern history period.
The Egyptian Tutankhamen broken down to Tut –ankh-Amen, hidden in plain view, they said Amen at the end of their prayers too. As these modern religions are just abbreviations of older Egyptian understandings.
No one no longer calls Zeus to come to their aid, now that everything has been simplified to just God, one concept, easy to manage.
It seems when you stop calling the God they cease to exist. Do these gods need us to believe in them before they can help us or is that our belief in them enables them to exist? We have been mentally managed from day one.
The architects of this reality use religion as just one of the layers built into the external story line we call our lives. We are the ones who create the images, sounds and sensations we experience within ourselves. It`s our beliefs that give meaning to these internal experiences.
We have lost our connection to the energies within us that make all of what we do possible. We are no longer speaking to ourselves. We have been forced to look for answers outside of ourselves for problems coming from within us. It`s like looking for something in another person`s home that you lost in your own, you can never find it.
Hence we began to look externally for our creator as we have lost contact with ourselves. Religions seem to only deal with the external reality, people do not pray to connect to their inner creator self, and they are usually asking for material things, world peace is not even on the list anymore. God of this construct is really just an external idea, not a reality.
Like Jesus there is no evidence beyond the holy books that either of them ever existed. Existence is not evidence of God, existence is evidence of existence. We have been given beliefs and made a God from it.
The intelligences behind existence work from inside of you and enable you to create the external world as images in your mind. You are part of everything you experience as your mind speaks the light languages to translate the waveform of the frequency into solid looking objects.
There are things your mind no longer sees, their light languages are lost to us and therefore we are unable to create an image for them. If I can create light in my day dreams and night dreams, then I can generate light within me like the sun, however without the sun. The sun did not create us.
Religion is not soul food; it is more like cold comfort. The problem is the soul needs to be constantly stimulated with new concepts to challenge and to feel invigorated.
Religion gives your soul rules, which entraps it and limits you to the understanding of the writers of the holy books.
As the apparently only living Gods are not speaking anymore, people need more stimulus, they gravitate to the old ways, the ones calling them from within their soul.
Religion is memory based as people can only exchange holy books scriptures as opposed to their own original thinking. The person with the ability to recite more scriptures is regarded as the more gifted, not due to originality but to ability to recite script.
This can be good but this does not end the growing urge of the soul to get back to your real mission. The battle now commences with soul arguing with the programmed religious mind.
The soul will search for more whilst the mind condemns it. The mind has been programmed to look out for that pesky soul and will try and shut such curiosity to avoid the fear and the pain generated by the program for being disobedient.
The soul will want more and will want to hear alternative ideas to empower it, the programmers of the religions were ready for this and created Satan as a title to give to all those who needed more than the programmed script.
To think of yourself as evil and to trust in a god concept is real. This was security for longevity of the corruption of our minds.
The programming is ego based and needs to win the battle against the soul yearning to remain in control. The problem is that ego is not wisdom, so when it is challenged it does not increase in the breakdowns of the questions asked, but it may increase the sound volume and threats as well as insults.
They know what they are saying is not true and seek the company of other people in denial to make them feel better. No matter what they say the curiosity will not go away. They need to follow other spiritual paths as their soul demands it.
As we go along this path, we have remained strong to be able to ignore the wrath; the insults will become strong, yet with no breakdown of understanding.
As people give up their own spirituality to pursue religion, the holy books is all they have of their god. To challenge the book written by authors unknown is to abuse them; they feel too compelled to defend something that they do not know the origin of, does that sound natural to you?
God is not a man. Which gives you a hint who devised this plan, the truth requires a much deeper understanding. We travel to this dimension as we have life scripts to play out; we need to experience all the different characters. The ancients understood that life requires more than can be found in books, the library of the universe still can only be found inside us.
Spirituality requires that you ask questions of yourself, whilst religions requires you to rely on books to move forward. When you appreciate you cannot be wiser than your creator, the holy books have locked millions of soul`s minds down.
Sadly, slavery still exists as religion was the slave owner’s mental back door plan.
When you debate with someone that can only recite from the holy books, they tend to not listen to reason, their aggression increases with the depth of your challenge, they are trying to break you as opposed to exchange ideas with you and violent language or behavior is threatened when you do not fall into line.

That sounds a lot like the slave master converting the slave to me. Is it only me that can see this

The Connection Is Beyond Our Understanding

The merging of our souls began many million years ago. We continue our relationship in each lifetime. A love electric magnetic attracts our frequencies together; our marriage is between our souls not just our bodies. No matter how I try each life, I always feel incomplete; I only find peace when I found you. It is easy to believe that life is only what we see; the truth is we are blind to what surrounds us. No matter what we have done, we are on the collision course to find the one; our destinies were intertwined before we arrived here. It is not a question of age, the things that join us are the same, the truth is, and the connection is beyond our understanding. When we made the decision to merge both of our paths, I am glad I made the decision to choose you with my heart. The love I have for you is what has sustained me over the years; it is good to have something to look forward to each lifetime. As we grow older on our path I look forward to the adventures to be unmasked, we have truly chosen for ourselves an interesting story. Wherever I maybe, I am thinking of you as part of me, I wear a smile upon my face as I am happy.

We Came From Somewhere, We Are Going Somewhere

We take for granted our journey to this world. We travel through the river of UN-manifested dark matter consciousness as we search for the womb to make the transition back into this reality. We do not have eyes, yet our minds` can see, as we make our way to the place where our physical form is being created for the lifetime we have chosen ahead.
The West African tradition known as IFA speaks of this transmutation from conscious soul to human being. We first travel from the realm of the ancestors known as Orun. Before we start on the journey back to this realm, we go through the ceremony of choosing the type of head we think we`ll need for the mission back to earth.
The head reflects the degree of mental strength we may need to cope with the experiences envisioned on the new adventure we are about to embark on. As good character takes many lifetimes to acquire, we tend to improve our choices as we begin to realize that a reliance on beauty, requires a dependency on others to acknowledge. You eventually appreciate that a deeper balanced mental head, is required, if you want to remain in peace as you learn and grow.
As life is to be played and cannot be won or lost, the only thing you can really succeed at is the betterment of your soul. As we are now ready to start our journey with our new head, proposed mission and chosen gender, we travel only as consciousness between the vastnesses of the two worlds. We can also appear in the dreams of our perspective mothers, as a way of getting them to prepare for our arrival one day.
We make the crossing with our past lives memories intact, our debts to pay others and the deliberate handicaps we have chosen for this journey. We require something to overcome to force us to look within ourselves to awaken our inner potential as well as our inner strengths.
Sex only really creates the bridge between the two human dimensions, of our inner world and that of the other person. The difference between the male and female is often measured on appearance and function, few appreciate the individual depth of each other`s role in the creation mechanism for life on this dimension.
Men have wombs too, as the fetus is a fusion of two eggs. Men have a portal at the point where woman`s egg receivership canal ends and the Man`s egg deliverance system begins on the position on their` bodies. This portal allows the characteristics (genetics), the potential, the good as well as the bad and the wisdom of that person`s ancestors to be imbued into every sperm egg created. 
The Man`s life story is passed on into the egg as well.
As the key has been designed for the lock, sex facilitates the big bang to initiate the eggs coming together to start the creation of the fetus/body, which has the capacity to hold the consciousness traveling from the realm of the Ancestors/Orun/ heaven, back into this world.
A woman`s womb does have a lot extra, like the male, she also creates the egg, with her ancestral genetics, potential, good & bad, wisdom and her life story. Her womb has the capacity to allow the fertilization of the eggs and even more importantly, she has a portal that allows the consciousness of us, the soul, the being to travel to this dimension.
The consciousness interfaces with and then animates the fetus, to initiate the end of the journey from one world into the next one.
This portal is recognized in the West African tradition known as Ifa, as written in their holy books, they continuously make reference to looking for the right womb to return back to this dimension. The woman is understood to be the gateway between the two worlds.
The old tradition of the parents coming to meet the parents of your new partner is carried out in the womb as the Ancestral intelligences both meet to discuss the characteristics, the inherited potentials and the family debts to be passed onto the child.
Further meetings are held down the line as the arriving consciousness has ideas of its own as it chooses the gender and has its own things to learn as well as its own debts to work through.
The trinity of the Man, Woman and the incoming child consciousness, is for me behind the mechanism of life on this dimension. The concept of how, is broken down further in this tradition as it understands everything cannot be explained by just saying a God concept did it.
Like the Ying and Yang and many other variations to this concept, Ifa speaks of an initiator of ideas energy intelligence as well as an creative energy intelligence. Both are present in everything and work with each other to allow our thoughts to manifest into reality.
The initiator is known as ASE`, the creative energy is known as Aje`, and these are often broken down as male and female energies respectively. This is not strictly true as the Aje` is found in the male womb to enable him to create sperm eggs and ASE` is found in the female womb to initiate the need to form the egg. Both of these energies are found in both sexes as it is the function of that gender that determines the quantity the type of energy required for that life time.
Women have more of the energy Aje` as it is needed to generate the required power to sustain all the complex designing of the many elements involved in the growth of the child in the womb. From the features, height, body type and the age that these changes take place are all decided on before we are born.
The concept of spiritual growth spurts where the need to suddenly know more about who we are, is also written on the script agreed upon by the meetings of the trinity and becomes what we call our DNA.
The psychic abilities of women are never lost after the connection has been made between her womb and the other world. As gender is merely the sex we have chosen in this lifetime, we all have within us these abilities acquired from previous lives to varying degrees.
The dynamic ASE` and Aje` is found in all forms of creation, as the male and female component is part of all the features of this dimension. Much of the indigenous science thought of as magic by the rest of the world is really just a deeper knowledge of these two main energies.
We came from somewhere, we are going somewhere, this cycle continues for forever and a day. The woman plays the role as the gateway into this dimension, as what lies within her is the most precious thing in the world.

The Need To Meditate

Meditative is always our current state of mind, we are constantly evaluating our thoughts as we search for ideas that make us happy. We are no longer born into a life, we are born into story. We spend our lives looking for an accepted fairytale to convince ourselves that we are having a good life.
As happiness is around the bend, we need to work with others to untangle the web that has been weaved by those who knew to remain in power, the majority needed to be deceived. The story tellers have stolen our innate relationship with our nature. We now await instructions for the most basic understandings of self.
As every examined thought is a journey into your own mind, the idea of meditation is more to do with how much you can shut out the world outside, quietness the inner conversations in our minds, than whether we are doing it right or wrong.
The reasons for why we need to meditate can create the plan to arrive at what we are trying to achieve. Some look to center themselves at least 20 minutes a day, some like to visualize certain events or possessions they wish to have or experience in the future. The laws of attraction and visions boards have now have created a next form of spirituality that is more materially based than to look for inner depth.
The next stage of inner spiritual work requires a different depth of meditation that asks you to reconfigure what you have previously been comfortable to believe. It is not about religion as the real you, is not religious, It is not about money as you cannot buy experience or the ability to see your inner hidden depths. It`s about developing the mind to be able to translate the information, that you feel or think but somehow can`t put into words.
We think in light protocol languages, visual, audio, olfactory, mouth sensory and with physical touch sensation feelings. When you look at a person we only understand a very limited spectrum of information their presence is trying to convey.
Their past, present and future information exist as a subtle light energy orbiting around each person, it just requires for us to remember these forgotten languages, then try to translate and break these frequencies down into words. We all know about body language; however there are more subtle things that we can interpret as feelings or just messages in our minds.
There are many methods to prepare you for a meditation, a silent room, and fairly empty stomach, an upright or straight back and a relaxed body as well as a relaxed breathing style. I like to relax all the muscle in my body, one at a time, from my toes up to my head. This shuts down any movements in the body, whilst I prepare to start the journey into my mind. There are many guided meditations to help you connect to pleasant moments, to connect to your ancestors requires that you get off the reservation and have the courage to travel into the unknown.
Many people who meditate tend to travel in just their own imagination. This is where your beliefs can really slow you down as If you go looking for religious figures or other historical understandings, you may waste a lot of time as you are working from a memorized scripts. These ideas may not exist to be able to communicate back to you. When you begin to travel beyond the realm of educated belief systems, you start to see for yourself, that things are not quite like you have been led to believe..
The process of remembering the languages that are hidden within our psyche can be done through meditation. Practice makes perfect as you begin to work through the meditations with the elements, water, fire, air and the earth. You submerge yourself in these elements and eventually come to the understanding that you are part of all these things and that only your consciousness is real, the rest is under your control and part of our living entertainment.
This understanding is crucial as your body cannot survive in some of the dimensions in our minds. There are a few more stages of consciousness preparation as you need to be able to create objects in your mind, hold the images for several minutes and then with time you learn to move into the consciousness of animals as you begin to experience what it is like to fly, run and swim.
These stages prepare you for your consciousness traveling to other dimensions and experiencing the worlds that exist within. You will no longer need to quote from books as you will have your own internal reflection to quote from. You will become aware of thoughts that do not belong to you and have answers to things that are mysteries to this world.
Your ancestors are waiting for your internal arrival as the education of your internal being is part of what they have planned. The indigenous cultures understood this and had rituals to prepare your psyche.
This dimension is the space; our life is our time and our soul is on the continuous journey to explore new worlds and adventures into the unknown. Many can hear their ancestors without these methods. The elemental training is for when you go traveling with your ancestors.
The ability to fly as the wind, burn as fire, breathe in the depth of the sea and submerge in the earth, become useful when faced with situations beyond our earthly experiences. Imagine coming to a dimension where form does not exist and you have to interface with that intelligence. You need to create an environment from scratch to communicate with that force.
We are capable of so much more as we have always been using more than 10 per cent of our minds. We travel within ourselves with every thought, as we create images with the visual languages we still remember.
Our ancestors communicate on just a more subtle frequency. As you start to clear away the mental cobwebs and relearn to access the lost languages of reality that surround you, reality becomes a bigger place and the world becomes smaller.

They say to be awake in this world requires that you needs to be asleep in the real world. Meditation is just a way of traveling within the worlds within your mind, whilst conscious awake to whom you are. This is not religion as to think for yourself is still free and our parents never stop teaching us, even when we are not prepared yet to listen.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

If God Is Unknowable, How Are You Ever Going To Understand Yourself?

I have been led to believe that the words that we see in the bible are straight from the creator we cannot see. I appreciate that men were inspired to collate the book that people read, however is it only me who feels that some of these scriptures reflect that we may have been deceived.
Peter 2.18-21
“Servants/slaves , you must respect your masters and do whatever they tell you ... not only if they are kind and reasonable , but even if they are harsh and cruel. Praise the lord if you are punished for doing right. Of course, you get no credit for being patient for doing wrong; but if you do right and suffer for it, and be patient beneath the blows, God is well pleased. “
Excuse me, but who is well pleased. Is someone trying to tell me slave owners did not have a hand in the compilation of this book?
Verse Titus 2.9 has a similar inference as stated in earlier slave posts on this page. The slave master chose this religion as it coincided with the plans they had for their slaves.
As the slave religion programming was perfected in Western and Eastern Europe five hundred years before it hit the coasts of Africa. We have all been under this God spell for far too long. What were we doing before this imported religion?
Please check for your selves these verses are in your own bibles, I wish ii was making this all up. If I am taking this out of context then let me know.
If my ancestors were stolen from their lands, had their name, traditions and their legacy taken away from them, I am not sure they would be impressed with me for following the instructions of those that would have me be patient beneath the blows of the slave owners as their god we be well pleased.
I have seen people react very emotionally at the suggestion that the bible was not written by god but by man. With verses like these, where the creators of all things even has a comment on the hideous practice of slavery, I feel we all have been rather misled, to put it damn lightly.
If god is unknowable, how are you ever going to understand yourself? The mysteries you seek are within you as by understanding the scriptures from the moments of your life, will help you understand the aspect of the creative intelligences that dwells within you, i.e God.

Trust in yourself, in the end, it will be the only choice you have.

Love Is Energy And It Never Dies

Every day should be an ancestor day, their sacrifice for us is a reality that we often try to ignore. Nothing can be done without our parents; our ancestors are still our parents just in the other world.
Our Ancestors send love to us even after their transition. 
At a time when the millions of people around the world are participating in the celebration of the Germanic Goddess Eostre also known as Easter.
We are focused, on sacrificing for lent, yet doing nothing for those who we resemble and created us. 
The ritual takes place on the Sunday, after the full moon, after the Equinox (equal day/night hours).
Eostre was the goddess of fertility, the rabbit was her sign. Millions of people will give their children Easter Eggs as per the tradition. The Egg reflects how she mythically came down to earth. The giving of crossed cakes was also part of the acknowledgment of this Goddess.
The Austrian drama which has been retold as the Jesus Christ resurrection story is now used as the cover story for this annual ritual. Have you not wondered why Christmas is the same yet Jesus dies on different days.
Whatever the reason for these stories our Ancestors receive none of this love or energy. We have lost so many people throughout history that have not been truly acknowledged.
To those lost in the Middle passage, those lost in slavery throughout world history, to those lost in Holy wars, to those lost in the religion conversion of Europe, Americas, Asia, Africa and those who have been lost in our everyday lives. They need our love and thoughts so they may continue to watch over us, during our time on this plane.
To send love is easy. A candle, a glass of water and a picture (if available) is all that you need. The candle is to bring them closer, the water to hold their energy and the picture to help you focus your mind.
Make the prayer from your heart. Light the candle, close your eyes and just think on them. Ask them to guide you, protect you and clear your mind to enable you to create the life you were born to live.
Do not be alarmed if candle starts jumping, it usually means they are close by. If your candle does not jump, do not worry, they are on their way. Understand, you are the conduit. They are you, you are them. It is your energy on display.
There are so many ceremonies to interact with your Ancestors, from leaving their favorite foods, drinks and tobacco. People create sacred spaces and have sacred drumming.
Your Ancestors know you and do not need you to do things you do not understand. One step at a time. They will guide you to the information you need to go forward. Knock on the door and your real world will be opened unto you.
They will respect any effort towards them, not everything stated above is mandatory. You just need to take some time to think of them to start the process.
This is just maintaining a relationship with loved ones. We will be writing posts to enable you to visually see your connection to them. Remember you are the one making what you see happen. All to be explained.
Your Ancestors were here before religion. Nobody has been saved from anyone’s death as religion might have told us.
It is time to start speaking the truth if we ever want to get to the truth.

Love is energy, it never dies. My Ancestors make me laugh every day, I hope yours do to.

We Are Born Into A Story Line

Do not try and bend the spoon, that`s impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth, there is no spoon. Then you will see it is not the spoon that bends, it is only we.
We are born into a story line which has been implanted in our psyche as our living reality. We obey the rules that keep us imprisoned in our minds.
We cannot escape the gravity of the beliefs that we have been given for how things seem, emotion and especially fear, add weight onto these concepts.
Ideas become the chains which can impede our inner progress; many of our suggested goals are empty boxes that have just been cleverly decorated.
Everything has been designed and the momentum is maintained by the concept of time. The matrix first began when the clock time was invented. This continuous push and pull ensures that your matrix reality cannot stand still. We are unable to stop thinking as time will not allow it.
Our lives are based on the clock as we spend our minutes hoping for a better tomorrow, depression happens as a result of not fulfilling our timed aspirations.
We are the only creature that exists which has their reality measured in a way like this; everything else lives and dies, according to why they came here.
Time cannot be bended as each day follows the next. Our bodies have been taught to age according to this artificial time standard. There are energies and worlds that exist beyond the time frame we live in, our minds are now imprisoned to only think within this time coded reality.
The matrix is real as our real selves are trapped within it; our souls are constantly tired from being forced to fit in this story. We are searching for ourselves in a world where we are constantly being distracted or entertained, it is not until you have achieved a desire outcome, you realize you have not changed anything.
The perfect relationship, the perfect job, you desire to change them as you need more. Your external story is unable to heal your inner essence. You hope bigger and better will eventually do the trick, the trouble is that you can just create deeper problems.
The matrix is soul-less, it was designed to harvest our energy, and we exist to feed the few who are the architects of this reality.

Do not try to bend or mend the matrix that would be impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth, there is no time or the matrix. Then you will see it is not the matrix that bends, it is we that have bent and limited ourselves to fit within it.