Tuesday 21 April 2015

Love Is Energy And It Never Dies

Every day should be an ancestor day, their sacrifice for us is a reality that we often try to ignore. Nothing can be done without our parents; our ancestors are still our parents just in the other world.
Our Ancestors send love to us even after their transition. 
At a time when the millions of people around the world are participating in the celebration of the Germanic Goddess Eostre also known as Easter.
We are focused, on sacrificing for lent, yet doing nothing for those who we resemble and created us. 
The ritual takes place on the Sunday, after the full moon, after the Equinox (equal day/night hours).
Eostre was the goddess of fertility, the rabbit was her sign. Millions of people will give their children Easter Eggs as per the tradition. The Egg reflects how she mythically came down to earth. The giving of crossed cakes was also part of the acknowledgment of this Goddess.
The Austrian drama which has been retold as the Jesus Christ resurrection story is now used as the cover story for this annual ritual. Have you not wondered why Christmas is the same yet Jesus dies on different days.
Whatever the reason for these stories our Ancestors receive none of this love or energy. We have lost so many people throughout history that have not been truly acknowledged.
To those lost in the Middle passage, those lost in slavery throughout world history, to those lost in Holy wars, to those lost in the religion conversion of Europe, Americas, Asia, Africa and those who have been lost in our everyday lives. They need our love and thoughts so they may continue to watch over us, during our time on this plane.
To send love is easy. A candle, a glass of water and a picture (if available) is all that you need. The candle is to bring them closer, the water to hold their energy and the picture to help you focus your mind.
Make the prayer from your heart. Light the candle, close your eyes and just think on them. Ask them to guide you, protect you and clear your mind to enable you to create the life you were born to live.
Do not be alarmed if candle starts jumping, it usually means they are close by. If your candle does not jump, do not worry, they are on their way. Understand, you are the conduit. They are you, you are them. It is your energy on display.
There are so many ceremonies to interact with your Ancestors, from leaving their favorite foods, drinks and tobacco. People create sacred spaces and have sacred drumming.
Your Ancestors know you and do not need you to do things you do not understand. One step at a time. They will guide you to the information you need to go forward. Knock on the door and your real world will be opened unto you.
They will respect any effort towards them, not everything stated above is mandatory. You just need to take some time to think of them to start the process.
This is just maintaining a relationship with loved ones. We will be writing posts to enable you to visually see your connection to them. Remember you are the one making what you see happen. All to be explained.
Your Ancestors were here before religion. Nobody has been saved from anyone’s death as religion might have told us.
It is time to start speaking the truth if we ever want to get to the truth.

Love is energy, it never dies. My Ancestors make me laugh every day, I hope yours do to.

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